IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching) https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET <p><strong>IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching) </strong>is an education journal for English language teachers, lecturers, university professors, and others who work with school-aged or university students, teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL), English as a Second Language (ESL), English for Specific Purposes, or English for Academic Purposes.</p> <table class="data" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td>Original title</td> <td> :</td> <td>Indonesian Journal of English Teaching</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>English title</td> <td> :</td> <td>Indonesian Journal of English Teaching</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>Short title</td> <td> :</td> <td>IJET</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>Frequency</td> <td> :</td> <td>2 issues per year (July and December)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>Number of articles per issue</td> <td> :</td> <td>10 articles per issue</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>DOI</td> <td> :</td> <td><a href="https://doi.org/10.15642/ijet2.2021.10.2">https://doi.org/10.15642/ijet2</a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>ISSN</td> <td> :</td> <td>2548-6497 (online) &amp; 2302-2957 (printed)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>Editor-in-Chief</td> <td> :</td> <td>Mokhamad Syaifudin, Ph. D</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>Citation Analysis</td> <td> :</td> <td> <p><a href="https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/journals/profile/233" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sinta</a>, <a href="https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?user=bDlepm4AAAAJ&amp;hl=en" target="_blank" rel="noopener">GScholar</a>, <a href="https://garuda.kemdikbud.go.id/journal/view/26064" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Garuda</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>Subject Area</td> <td> :</td> <td>Social Sciences</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td>Category </td> <td> :</td> <td>Education, Linguistics and Language</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> en-US msyaifudin@gmail.com (Mokhamad Syaifudin, M.Ed, Ph.D) ijet@uinsby.ac.id (Rizka Safriyani) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 06:53:19 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Personality Competence and Pedagogical Competence of Pre-service English Teachers in Teaching Secondary Level Students https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/3236 <p>Since teachers' competencies have significant impacts on their teaching performance, Pre-service English Teachers (PETs) must hone teachers' competencies starting when they are student teachers, especially in teaching practice programs. Personality and pedagogical competence are two competencies that future educators have to develop in addition to social and professional competence. However, there are still few researchers who focus on these two competencies specifically for PETs. This study’s purpose is to look into the personality and pedagogical competence of PETs during their internship program at junior high and high schools. To garner the data, the researchers employed quantitative descriptive research with a survey technique. The data were analyzed quantitatively using SPSS version 26 for Windows. The findings find PETs earned mean scores of 89.57 for personality competence and 86.24 for pedagogical competence. It indicates that, in accordance with Ministry of National Education Regulation Number 16 of 2007, the PETs involved in this study met the requirements to become qualified teachers. They are highly competent in moral behavior and can serve as role models for their students in terms of personality competency, but they lack interest in being a teacher and have difficulties in being responsible and self-assured educators. Meanwhile, for their pedagogical competence, they are highly receptive to ideas and feedback to enhance learning, but they struggle to comprehend students and keep the classroom atmosphere conducive.</p> Agnia Ilma, Zuliati Rohmah Copyright (c) 2023 IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching) https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/3236 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Navigating English Language for Specific Needs: Schools Stakeholder in Overcoming International School https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/2955 <p>This study aimed to investigate the challenges encountered by English for Specific Purposes (ESP) learners in their journey to enhance English language proficiency. A mixed-methods approach was adopted, incorporating a comprehensive literature review and conducting semi-structured interviews with three ESP teachers and three administrative staff members from the same educational institutions. The findings from the literature review revealed that ESP learners often struggle with managing their time effectively due to the demands of their personal commitments, learners' self-efficacy in facing confidence issues, fear of making mistakes, and negative past experiences hindering their language learning progress. Moreover, limited access to authentic materials tailored to their specific fields emerged as a crucial obstacle, impacting learners' ability to develop subject-specific vocabulary and comprehend real-world language use. By recognizing and addressing these challenges, educators and institutions can develop more targeted and effective language learning strategies, ultimately empowering ESP learners to overcome their obstacles and achieve higher levels of English proficiency</p> Laras Manggiasih, Sri Wahyuni, Yurike Risa Loreana, Nunung Nurjati Copyright (c) 2023 IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching) https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/2955 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Probing the Needs of Injecting Technical Communication in English Module in Indonesia Railways Polytechnic https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/2923 <p>For employment, industries want recent graduates to have strong technical communication abilities. Therefore, it is important for engineering organizations to have competent technical communicators. As a result, this study looks at how Indonesian polytechnic engineering students assess their own technical communication competency needs in terms of knowledge, abilities, and attitudes toward technical communication in English. A survey on students' perceived needs for technical communication skills received responses from 85 diploma students in various engineering courses at a polytechnic. The study's findings showed that the students' knowledge and abilities about technical communication in English were low intermediate (mean &gt; 3,5 score). In comparison to knowledge and attitudes about technical communication in English, skills in technical communication in English had the lowest mean score. This suggested that the pupils lacked technical English communication abilities. Despite this, the study's findings indicate that students understood the importance of technical communication skills for their future careers. Because need analysis is a continuous process for identifying learning needs, this study has shown that it is worthwhile to review the current needs of the polytechnic engineering students since students' responses could serve as a basis for the improvement of the classroom materials. Finally, this study has recommended that technical communication courses be included to the polytechnic education system since they are crucial for employment in a variety of fields, including engineering.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ainun Fikria, Armyta Puspitasari, Dwi Lestianingsih Copyright (c) 2023 IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching) https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/2923 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 English Vocabulary Mastery of University Students an Analysis Of Students’ Essays Writing at Bina Bangsa Getsempena University https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/2610 <p>Without doubt, vocabulary is a crucial part in mastering English language skills. It is the basic element that helps to construct a well written or spoken text. These two production skills assist students to be communicative well. However, the range of vocabulary produced becomes a problem when the students have difficulties to deploy the words properly. This study, therefore, tried to examine the typical of vocabulary applied by the EFL students in their writing text. By analyzing those writing text, it is depicted the vocabularies they applied. This is a qualitative descriptive research. The researchers relied on the list of academic words by Averil Coxhead (2000) and new academic words by Dr. Charles Browne, Dr. Brent Culligan and Joseph Phillips (2013) in analyzing the vocabularies in the written text. The words in the written texts were highlighted and categorized based on the lists. The result showed that, the students’ vocabularies had some characteristics: (1) low lexical density; (2) higher repetition of information; and (3) higher proportion of basic and frequently-used words and lower usage of academic words. Therefore, it is suggested that students need more exposure to AWL or NAWL, there is Vocabulary development assistance and vocabularies should be taught contextually.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Hijjatul Qamariah, Sabarniati Copyright (c) 2023 IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching) https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/2610 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Panel Discussions to Promote Meaningful Learning at Distance Education https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/2214 <p>The present mix-method study was carried out with the purpose of promoting meaningful learning through panel discussion to enhance students´ active participation in English. It was conducted at a private university in its distance modality. The sample of the study was 52 students from different provinces of Ecuador and 2 teachers. The data-collection instruments were two questionnaires and an observation grid. These were designed to learn if the use of panel discussions promotes meaningful learning and also to identify the students’ level of satisfaction regarding the use of panel discussions. The questionnaires were applied after 8 panel discussions were held. The observation grid was used by the teachers during each panel to take notes about aspects such as motivation, comprehension, and functionality. The findings demonstrate that students’ level of satisfaction was high regarding the use of panel discussions since they helped to increase their motivation to actively participate by using previous experience with new knowledge.</p> Fabian Paredes, Karina Salcedo-Viteri , Eliana Pinza-Tapia, Vanessa Toro Copyright (c) 2023 IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching) https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/2214 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 English Pre-Service Teachers’ Voice: Game Based Learning to Increase Students’ Learning Engagement https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/2409 <p>In integrating technology in language learning can be done through various way, one of them through game based learning. The game which used in the language learning, especially English class can be used to increase students’ learning engagement. Since English is a foreign language in Indonesia, students need learning engagement in order to understand the material easily. However, in implementing game based learning, teacher need to consider the appropriate game based learning tool, especially pre-service teacher in their first teaching practice. The research used descriptive qualitative to describe how English pre-service teachers implement game based learning to increase students’ learning engagement and how students’ learning engagement is increased through game based learning through questionnaire. The subject was English pre-service teacher in one of state university in Surabaya. The result showed English pre-service teachers implemented game based learning at the first meeting, as main activity, and as assessment in order to increase students’ learning engagement. Furthermore, students’ learning engagement increased through the way they used the game.</p> <p>Keywords: English Pre-Service Teacher, Game Based Learning, Students’ Learning Engagement</p> Anjani Vicka Prasasti Hasibuan Copyright (c) 2023 IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching) https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/2409 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Character Development in Reading Folktales: Literacy Learning Strategies Using Propp’s Dramatis Personae and Narrative Functions in Princess Hase https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/2365 <p>This study intended to explore one of the literacy learning strategies namely character development in reading that can be used in the classroom by combining with Propp’s dramatis personae framework to get the deeper understanding about the folktales. This study involved the Japanese Folktale entitled <em>Princess Hase</em> as this story contains moral value that can be obtained by students after reading the folktales. This study used qualitative descriptive method which emphasizes on dramatis personae that exist in the folktales to get the deeper understanding. This study found out that the application of Propp’s dramatis personae in analyzing folktales can make the readers easier in understanding the folktales. Moreover, the combination of literacy learning strategies in this case character development in reading with Propp’s dramatis personae is beneficial to be applied in the classroom.</p> Amalia Rachmawati, Tengsoe Tjahjono, Resdianto Permata Raharjo, Oikurema Purwati Copyright (c) 2023 IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching) https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/2365 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Enhancing Students' Writing Skill Through Peer-Editing Technique https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/2151 <p><a name="_Toc111236784"></a><strong>Abstrac</strong><strong>t: </strong>The purpose of this study was to solve the problems found in students’ writing especially the errors in the use of authorial and secretarial aspects to the 11<sup>th</sup> grade students from OTKP major SMK Negeri 1 Teluk Keramat in the academic year 2021/2022. 18 students participated in this study. Using Classroom Action Research (CAR), this study tried to improve students’ writing skill of personal letter by the use of the peer-editing technique. The results showed that the use of the peer-editing technique successfully improved students’ writings of personal letter. It was found through the process of using the peer-editing technique, students were likely to give various types of comments and suggestions in the text structure, grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling. Through the implementation of the peer-editing technique, the students became aware of those aspects of personal letter. Finally, in the process of revision, comments from peers helped students in developing ideas and gradually produced better writing results. It was indicated by the reduction of errors found in cycle II. The improvement of students’ writing results occurred in both authorial (text structure, grammar, vocabulary) and secretarial (punctuation, spelling) aspects. Therefore, this classroom action research was successful. Students’ writing skill was improved gradually by the use of the peer-editing technique.</p> Sri Ayuda, Yohanes Gatot Sutapa Yuliana, Yanti Sri Rezeki, Rahayu Apriliaswati, Surmiyati Copyright (c) 2023 IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching) https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/2151 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Using E-Learning in The English Learning Process on Students’ Writing Descriptive Text During a Pandemic in Ma Ma’arif Nu Assa’adah Bungah Gresik Grade X. https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/722 <p>This study aims to determine 1) the role and function of E-learning and the added value obtained by students from the use of (E-Learning) during the pandemic at Ma'arif NU Assa'adah Bungah Gresik grade x. This research was conducted at the Islamic High School in the village of Bungah, Bungah sub-district. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The research data were obtained through recorded interviews with 4 informants, namely 3 students and teachers who taught grade X English, classroom observation, documentation, and literature study. This study used the interactive model data analysis technique of Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the role of E-Learning during a pandemic at Ma'arif NU Assa'adah Bungah Gresik grade x was as a facility to support the English learning syllabus at Ma'arif NU Assa'adah Bungah Gresik. Its function is as a means to access (ELearning), as a means of learning that is more interesting and interactive because it brings students closer to information and communication technology devices for learning English, and serves as a means of gathering and discussion for students. Students get added value by using (E-Learning). First, students get a lot of information and study materials, which are up to date easily, quickly, and in more detail. Second, students get information and learning materials in various media formats in the form of text, pictures, and videos that are of interest to them. Third, the students' English skills can develop, especially reading, writing, vocabulary, and grammar skills. Fourth, students are more active and enthusiastic in the learning process because they are directly involved in the process of obtaining information and learning materials needed in learning English.</p> <p><em>Keywords: information and communication technology, pandemic, learning, media,</em></p> lisa agustina, Vera Resti Yumairoh Copyright (c) 2023 IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching) https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/722 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 An Insights from Teachers’ Perspective : How To Teach Young Learners In Children’s Digital Literacy Era https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/615 <p>This paper conduct with research question is to identify the level of digital literacy in a sample of teachers and families. We obeerved lower efficiency when managing their own identities on the Internet, and generally, lower competencies when it comes to participating in conflict situations on the Internet, as well as in relation to digital identity management. This result focuses not only on related to conflict resolution, but also on all issues handled with appropriate conflict management, and aid petitions when dealing with courts or observations that necessary to focus on topics related to cyberspace pleasures and pleasures.</p> endah yulia eka Copyright (c) 2023 IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching) https://jurnalftk.uinsa.ac.id/index.php/IJET/article/view/615 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000