Author Guidelines

The manuscript is prepared by following author guidelines with Ms. Word format (template Ms. Word  Journal Template JKI 

Articles submitted to the editor of JKI (Jurnal Kepenididikan Islam) must follow the technical provisions:

  1. The manuscript submitted has not been published and is not being considered for publication in other journals.
  2. The manuscript arranged on A4 paper with the rule: 1 cm paragraph spacing, margins 3 cm (Right, Left, Top, Bottom) and contains 4.000 - 6.000 words in English or Indonesian Laguage. Incoming articles are evaluated by the Reviewer. An article can submit to or send via email to
  3. Articles should include abstracts, introductions, research methods (if research articles), results and discussion, conclusions and suggestions as well as referral lists. Scriptwriting using ms. word in .docx format
  4. The title should clearly describe the substance of the study with a maximum of 12 words and using the Garamond font size 14 and single space.
  5. The name of the author of the article (without an academic degree, position, or rank) with the name institution of origin and placed under the title of the article, and include the email address of the corresponding author.
  6. Abstract in articles written in Indonesian/English Language, followed by the template. The abstract contains the aim of research, methods, and findings. The author can also add a review of the research problem in the first paragraph, conclusions, and implications of the research.
  7. The introduction contains backgrounds, research contexts, literature review results, and research objectives. The entire introductory section is presented in an integrated form in the form of paragraphs.
  8. Research method contains exposure on the type of research, time and place of study, research targets (population and sample for quantitative research while research subject for qualitative research), instruments, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques.
  9. Results and discussion are focused on linking the data and the results of their analysis of the problems or objectives of the study and the theoretical context. Findings of field realities are linked to previous research results or to existing theories.
  10. The conclusion presents a summary of the description of the results and discussion and refers to the research objectives. The recommendations are based on the research findings that have been discussed. Suggestions may refer to practical actions, the development of new theories, or further research recommendations.
  11. Reference writing based on the Turabian 8th Style. The list of references is arranged alphabetically and chronologically. Further read about Turabian Style is available here or you can read this document Turabian 8th Citation Guide  
  12. If the manuscript has been reviewed and declared eligible for publication by JKI : Jurnal Kependidikan Islam, then the authors are required to pay the Article Processing Charge (APC) cost of IDR 700.000. For any further information will be sent on your e-mail that has been registered, or you can Contact Us.